Thursday, June 4, 2009


Wow. I can't believe I have been here almost three weeks. Orientation week started a week ago and it has flown by. I can only imagine how fast the summer is going to go by. 
Last night the team had an opportunity to go bowling (this was after Jon Tschanz and I talked all about diversity), and the theme was dress up in costumes. Sooooooooooo, we dressed up in costumes! You had people wearing togas, redneck gear, people were dressed up like the old people who live in the retirement villages (The Villages) by the camp, you had Indians, Boy Scouts, that one Crazy Camper, etc. etc. etc. It reminded me of a date party and Duke undergrad tailgating put together, minus the alcohol of course.. It was just a super fun time to get away from the training and sitting and curriculum and blahness that can sometimes happen during Orientation week. 

I was reminded that playing and hanging out with those in your community is refreshing, and worshipful. They don't call recreation, "re-creation" for nothing. Recreation is a time to remind us that we sometimes need to be re-created so that we can serve the Triune God. Recreation allows us to be with our brothers and sisters in Christ doing something fun, playful, that will help us be renewed. Last nights bowling trip was a time for us to let our guards down, to dress up and be silly, and love each other as bowled, congregated, communed over cheese fries, hung out, got to know each other, etc.... It was a great night... and it helped me to realize that we need to be preparing ourselves physically and spiritually and mentally and emotionally for the summer that is ahead of us. 

Tonight we will worship and we will partake in Holy Communion. Tonight's worship theme is actually about preparing yourself physically for the task that is set before us this summer. This physical preparedness manifests itself in healthy dietary choices, getting exercise, resting, and gaining nourishment.. I think it is great we are doing communion, because we are nourished spiritually around the table. It is the table where we receive God's Grace and it is in the table that we are called to be the broken body of our Lord to the world. It is in the table where we can again, find "re-creation" and regeneration, receiving the Grace of God so we can extend the Grace of God. 
I am not talking tonight, but I am leading Holy Communion (with and ordained elder of course) and I am looking forward to the first time we will come to the Table of the Lord as a team.

Lift up your hearts and give thanks to the Lord our God!

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