Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Elementary Camp Week 2!!!

So, this week I get the awesome privilege of being worship leader for elementary camp. The theme of camp this summer is Pray. My unofficial theme for camp this week is Story Time with Justin: Using children's story books to talk about prayer! Last night was Listening to God. I read the book, Old Turtle, (which is amazing!!!) and talked about how God is in nature and we can hear God in nature. We watched a video clip from the Amazon Rain Forest, which had all sorts of sounds (my favorite was the monkey noise!) After we watched the video clip, I asked the campers what they heard. I got so many great answers. "I heard the monkeys!" "I heard the whippoorwill!" "I heard the water rushing!" "I heard the sound of God's creation!" These were all amazing answers, but there was one more answer that got me. One girl raised her hand and said she heard the trees. THE TREES! I asked her, "How did you hear the trees?" She went on to say that she could hear the wind rustling through the trees and she could hear the insects and animals crawling in the trees and she could hear the trees creak and groan. It was beautiful and it was a valid point, especially when it comes to listening to God. God is ever talking through creation. Even the trees, which have no voice, speak to us, and let us know we are God's beloved. The trees clap their hands in praise of the Creator! God's voice is like the voice of the tree. Sometimes we can not hear the voice of God directly, but that does not mean that God is not speaking to us. We just need to be silent and listen! Kids not only say the darnedest things, kid's often times say the deepest and richest things. 

Anyway, the rest of the week has daily themes. Today is Asking. I'm reading The Giving Tree. Tomorrow is Forgiveness and I'm reading Runaway Bunny. Thursday is Perseverance and I'm reading The Little Engine that Could. Friday is Praise and Thanksgiving and it is a two part talk where we will dance a little and praise God in movement, and then go into a time of Communion, where I will read The Rainbow Fish and talk about how the fish gives away his scales and how Christ gave us his body. So, it might be a stretch, but I'm excited about what is in store for each night. 

Anyway, I need to get back to work. I'm currently listening to the Psalters! If you don't know who they are, google them! Youtube them! I love them! 

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