Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Rage-A-Saurus, Baptism, and a sweet music video...

Last night was crazy awesome! I wish I had pictures to show you all the amazingness, but alas, I do not... But, I'm not sure how many of you have ever seen a big blown up visqueen tube (called bubble tube or bobo tube), but we made one yesterday, with all black visqueen, hung black lights in it, and had paint wars for all the team members. We also had a huge slip and slide because only around 30 people could be in the Bobo Tube (aka RAGE-A-SAURUS). So, needless to say, there were team members, and myself, covered from head to toe with non toxic, washable, glow in the dark paint, soap, etc... It was flippin amazing! Like, I wish I could describe to you the magnitude of the amazingness, but I can't... I guess it is like all camp things, you just had to be there...

Anyway, tonight is the last night of orientation and campers get here TOMORROW! Wow, this O-Week has flown by! it's been crazy, but before the campers get here we are having a worship service tonight entitled, preparing yourself for ministry: Baptism... I am talking, and I'm actually not using notes (except for like a Marilynne Robinson quote and a Barbara Brown Taylor quote - go figure), so i'm pretty nervous, but Carley assures me that if I can not have notes for a subject it would be Baptism, since it's my most favorite sacrament (not that I don't like Eucharist, because I love Eucharist!) I'm definately talking about three things tonight. 1. Team members Baptismal identity as being Children of the Triune God. 2. These campers Baptismal identities as children of the Triune God, and 3. This baptismal identity is these team members call to ministry. It is their ordination as ministers in the priesthood of all believers... So, pray that I allow God to use me in the way in which God can only use me.. Baptism is important in my life, because no matter what else, it my baptism that allows me to remember that I am made in the image of God, and that I am a child of God, and that my calling is rooted in my baptism! 

And finally, I am going to try to embed a video of a song called King Of Glory that Jesus Culture does. I'm not a big fan of Christian Music these days, but this song is Awesome... Hope you are all doing well. Today is Trinity sunday, so remember that we worship a Triune God who is Divine Parent, Jesus, God incarnate, and Holy Spirit...

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for our family through baptism! Wish I could've been there.
