Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 7 Update!

Week 7 is here, which means that we only have Week 8 and Week 9 left. That's crazy! I only have about 20 more days here. The past week I've been plagued by a sinus infection. I think it might have been somewhat caused by my air conditioners which I had not cleaned all summer. When maintenance looked at them, they said there was a jelly fish like substance of mold built up in them. Soooo... The air conditioners are now cleaned and have new filters in them. I hope that works, because this Sinus Infection has gotten the best of me. Ugh.

Anyway, like I said, Week 7 is here! I'm excited for the week as my family is coming to visit me, (minus dad). This weekend is family weekend and they will get to see what camp is like! I will preach on sunday (David and Bathsheba and how family is not perfect), and so forth and so on... it will be interesting. maybe i can bring some controversy to the pulpit. not that I like controversy or anything, but yeah. Anyway.

Camp really is great, even in the sickness and the blahness and the tiredness, etc. The team members are absolutely awesome and they all have a heart for God. They are serving hard and loving hard. I know they are tired, and I can see weariness in some of their eyes, but they are pushing on, and loving these campers.

For those of you who actually read this blog, Pray that God would reveal God's self these next three weeks. Pray that the Holy Spirit would show up and show out in the campers and the team members' lives. Pray that the team would feel the presence of Christ in their lives as they serve these campers, and help them know that the love of God is always enveloping them. Pray for me that I would get better and that I can be the Team Pastor that I need to be for these team members. (all of them, not just some). Anyway. I hope you all are doing well.
Grace and Peace

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