Thursday, July 9, 2009

A random blogpost from me to you...

So it has been a while since I have updated the old blog here. It is not because I have nothing to talk about, nor is it because I have not had time to sit down and write. I'm not sure why I haven't written. Maybe it is because my last post caused me a little grief (none I haven't gotten over). Maybe it's the fact that I am to a point where I am completely overwhelmed with the future. Maybe it is the fact that I am getting lost in the camp culture and blogging means that there is a real world, where people read the stuff I write. 

The past two weeks have been eventful, as we have had a lot of stuff happen at camp, and as I was able to leave for two days and go observe three different camps around south Florida. But I am not going to blog about that. I am going to blog about nothing in particular. Maybe I will just write down what I am thinking and what is on my mind..

1. I miss my friends from Durham. I wish we could all be together by the pool, doing what we do best. I miss the firepit and the guitar sessions that happen so frequently...
2. Field ed has been great! I have loved it here. My passion for camping ministry has been fueled, and my passion to reach out to college students has been fueled. 
3. I feel like the upcoming year is going to be hell. Commissioning. Finding a job. Being Justin. Being honest and all sorts of fun stuff like that. But just like the sermon i preached on hell, Christ is in our midst, even when we are walking through the fires that are hell on earth. These fires don't consume us, they just purify us and make us new! That is what I'm hoping for anyway.
4. I have a new book called creative cursing. It's awesome! When I am in blah moods (much like the one I'm in today) I look at the book and it makes me giggle. You are such a scum slammer! I can't stand to look at you, you jerk jockey! I can't believe you went out with that fanny blower! Wow, I feel like such a snot monkey!
5. I'm ready to be in New York for the U.S. Open. Also, I'm ready to be in California for spring break.
6. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Michael Jackson.
7. People have disappointed me lately with their hatred and their attitude towards God's children.
8. Maybe I will let my hair grow out like really long.
9. Jorts are not that bad. they are actually comfortable, and just because you wear them does not mean that you are a redneck or a Florida Gator.
10. I love watching the rain. Today a buddy of mine pointed out a rainbow ring around the sun after it rained. it was frickin awesome.

That is all. Random I know!

1 comment:

  1. Justin,

    1. Your durham friends miss you too.
    2. I am glad you are having a wonderful experience and that God is moving in your life this summer!
    3. Enjoy every minute of this last year...and focus on the people God has placed in your life. Things change drastically after graduation.
    4.Snot monkey... haha!
    5. Im jealous that you get to travel to such fun places!
    6. I, too, am tired of hearing about MJ, but I will prob still buy his greatest hits album in the near future.
    7. People disappoint me regularly... welcome to a fallen world. :(
    8. PLEASE, do not grow your hair out "like really long"
    9. Jorts... hahahaha! 90% of people in Florida are rednecks, so maybe it DOES mean that...
    10. Aren't Florida rainstorms the best? Right around 4pm everyday? Too bad so much humidity comes with it...

    11. I move home in one week!! I hope I get to see you soon... Hugs!

    <3, Amanda
